Tuesday, January 12, 2010

TAAS 2002 - 2009

TAAS 2002 - 2009

From The Band:
"It's with a heavy heart we tell you that These Arms Are Snakes is no more. It's been a great run and we'd like to send out a very hearty "Thank You" to everyone that we've worked with or anyone that we've toured with; anyone that lent us a floor, towed our van and/or trailer, lent a van, given us a listen, downloaded our records prior to their coming out, bought our shit, or asked us where our band name came from; everyone who cooked us food, made habanero-infused tequila, had a safety meeting with us, let Steve gyrate all over you, had to live with any of us, made us pay shitloads of money to get off your punk label, got us into LOST, found Steve drunkenly wandering the streets of Tokyo alone, played Madlibs in the van (plural nouns), lost money promoting one of our shows, took Chris to the hospital, put up with our drunken sorry asses, got into a fight with us, etc. etc."

This band could not have been possible without all of you. We sincerely thank you.

Much love,



The Duke of New York said...

Oxeneers will always be one of my favorites.
Best of luck guys.

Jo Jam Mic said...

God damnit, man. This sucks. No good can come of this...

indieATL said...

that totally sucks. you guys were awesome! however, i'm really glad you guys came by our studios to capture some tunes on video.

jonathanpfuller said...

you will be missed.
thanks for many years of killer records and shows and just as many years of good times.
good luck in all future endeavors.
love you dudes.

bliv said...


Anonymous said...

extremely sad to see you guys go. you're all ridiculously talented, and it's been great to see your shows over all these years, and hear stories about where you've been and the crazy shit you've done! thanks for always being genuinely great people - you were consistently a pleasure to work with (through david's bands and rural wolf) and i have some awesome memories from the many times i've come out to see you as simply a fan.

very, very best of luck to each of you with whatever you've got coming next. i'll be looking forward to future projects, and listening to your old records (but at an unfortunately low volume, as i now travel with a baby in the car...) cheers and happy trails!


gangrena said...

this sucks.

(and my word verification is "acnes", that's what i think this new is. acnes!!!)

Unknown said...

Bummer. Totally expect to hear more music from all of you though. And I like to think being in a semi-riot with you, Preistess, Oxbow, and the bouncers of Spiro's counts as getting in a fight with you.

Johnny Hugel said...

These Arms Are Snakes will be missed. Thanks for doing what you did and all the fucking good times.

Here's my eulogy:

-Love to you all,

Peter said...

my favorite local live band. you guys will be missed.

Unknown said...

Devastating news, guys. Thanks for all of the great material, and the phenomenal shows.

Roadie to Go said...

No, thank you. Thanks for making music fun, listenable and inspiring. Good job guys. You lasted a long time in a hard music world.

João said...

:( This is really awful news!


TailSwallower said...

Goddamn. Consider my music-loving heart broken.

Only ever saw you guys once out here in Australia, but at least once is better than never.

Was jonesing bad for another live TAAS fix, but I guess it'll never happen now.

All the best in the future guys. Looking forward to hearing about any other projects you start working on.

Derek said...

I will keep your albums close to my loins.

Paul Staxx Spraget said...

Thanks for the mammaries. When's the optimum time to get major profit by selling my TAAS shirt on eBay?

Segue said...

Thanks for the shows and the records. You guys rocked, and rock still.

Dan M said...


K. said...

I'll miss you guys. You made two of the best albums of the 2000's

mark said...

cool i feel like crying.

i remember when you guys barely put out "this is meant" and you opened for saosin in anaheim,ca. you guys were nobodies. even at that show i was front row, and have been front rowing ever since.

fuck this.

brutalized homegirl said...


thanks for spitting down the front of your pants so i don't have to.


you will be missed.

Djohan said...

im from singapore, and i saw you guys live at SXSW 09 and it was amazing. it's a downer you guys broke up, but it was good while it lasted.

thanks guys.

andys said...


Oh god, I loved you guys! I pimped you to all my friends! I only got to see you guys live twice (and you were the best live band I've ever seen).

This sucks. This just fucking sucks. :(

Thanks for the music, but I am a bummed.

Unknown said...

bummer...much love from Australia that show with isis when the power went out, you guys blew my fuckin load.

jacobsingsmifami said...

this fucking sucks. why!? i never got to see you guys play live, i now regret it. i will always love you guys even though you broke my little heart. much love forever.

La Bamba said...

I just want to say thank you to all of you for your nice and generous comments. It means the world to us that you all care.
Hugel, your eulogy was about spot-fucking-on. I actually laughed out loud, brother.
Thanks again to all of you.
¡La Bamba!

datimci said...

Whaaat the fuuuck!
People were telling me you guys were going to record a new cd


thanks for the good times, you guys had passion that kept us all going

Kenn said...

I was just listening to Tailswallower and thought - oooh I hope they are putting a new record out soon. Then this. Best of luck to all of you, your music will live on

Unknown said...

Wow, I just lost a piece of me.....Been listening to u guys since This Is Meant To Hurt You. Saw u guys at least four times in CT and MA. Started listening to Botch, Kill Sadie, Minus the Bear, Helms Alee, etc. because of u guys. Amazing musicians, entertainers, and people. Real sorry to hear the news and hope u guys go on to something new so I can get turned on to that!

pourn said...

very, very, very shitty. thanks and love from toronto. seen you at least three times here, opening for minus the bear, then isis, and finally your own show. got to push steve in the crowd. thank you for the amazing music. cheers.

Brady said...

This fucking sucks. You guys were my favorite band. The worst part is that most people wont realize how fucking great your music was until years from now.

It's absurd that bands like Grizzly Bear get so much recognition, while TAAS gets so little--not that I loved Grizzly Bear less, that I loved These Arms Are Snakes more.

Unknown said...

So sad... words cannot describe the bittersweet feelings I have about this. You guys have been such a major inspirational force in my musical life, I dearly hope you all continue to make new music in some form or another. I could always count on TAAS to forge headway into new musical territory in a way that made me want to rock the f*ck out... now where will I turn?

joe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Todd Woodburn said...

So, once you get all domesticated and shit, it's hard to keep track of time. Yes, that's right, it's 2017 and I have just now found out that TAAS is no more. 9 years later...

Discovered you guys back in 2007 from a friend with Oxeneers....

it's like a 9 year old wound in the making that I never knew was there...

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